Anna Dumitriu Blog

Posts In: Robotics

29th March 2023


“ArchaeaBot: A Post Climate Change, Post Singularity Life-form” (2018-19) is an underwater robotic installation by Anna Dumitriu and Alex May that explores what ‘life’ might mean in a post-singularity and post-climate change future. Based on new research on archaea (a group of unicellular micro-organisms believed to be the oldest form of life on earth adapted […]

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"Cyberspecies Proximity" Robot at CENTQUATRE, Paris

28th March 2020

Cyberspecies Proximity

“Cyberspecies Proximity” (2020) explores what it will mean to share our sidewalks, elevators and transport systems in close proximity with mobile intelligent robots. Anna Dumitriu and Alex May undertook a STARTS Residency to develop their explorations of robotic movement through an in depth collaboration with the Human Robot Co-Mobility project led by the New Technologies […]

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30th January 2020

HARR1: My Robot Companion

HARR1 (Humanoid Art Research Robot 1) (2011-13) is Anna Dumitriu and Alex May’s robotic research platform. It was created in collaboration with Dr Michael L Waters and Professor Kerstin Dautenhahn in the Adaptive Systems Research Group at the University of Hertfordshire with funding from Arts Council England. The project explores the field of robotics and […]

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3rd November 2019

The Emergence of Consciousness

The “Emergence of Consciousness” (2010) was a performance artwork using sensory and movement deprivation (e.g. blindfolds, physical restraints etc) and augmentation to reflect physical developments in the human body (from infancy to old age). It created an embodied representation of how experience might be constructed, through physical interaction with the environment and other performers, and […]

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1st January 2020

Antisocial Swarm Robots

These tiny (almost cute) identical swarm robots do not appear to like each other, the walls of their pen, or visitors’ efforts to interact with them. In fact they are programmed to use their ultrasound detectors to measure if any physical object is in their ‘personal space’ and intelligently avoid it. While the code running […]

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31st December 2018

BioComputation Robots

The “BioComputation Robots” (2019) explore recent medical research into the way blue light can be used to control epileptic absence seizures by resetting genetically modified photosensitive brain cells. Computational neuroscientists study the data about how neurones in the brain fire in order to calculate the optimum moment to apply light and reset the cells. In […]

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