Books and Catalogues

Anna Dumitriu is the co-author of the book “Trust Me, I’m an Artist” as well as numerous catalogues and book chapters. Her work has also featured in many books and catalogues by other authors.

Books by Anna Dumitriu

Trust Me I’m an Artist: Towards an Ethics of Art and Science Collaboration

Front Cover of “Trust Me, I’m an Artist: Towards an Ethics of Art and Science Collaboration”. Image by Neal White.

“Trust Me, I’m an Artist: Towards an Ethics of Art and Science Collaboration” by Anna Dumitriu and Bobbie Farsides, investigates new ethical issues arising through art and science collaboration and considers the roles and responsibilities of the artists, scientists and institutions involved. The book features projects by Adam Zaretsky, Neal White, Anna Dumitriu and Art Orienté objet and essays by Ellen Ter Gast, David Koepsell, Nicola Triscott and Rob Zwijnenberg. Buy the hardback or paperback on Blurb, or the hardback or paperback on Amazon, or the get an immediate download of the e-book on Blurb or in the Apple iBooks store for just £7.99.

Exhibition Catalogues by Anna Dumitriu

Teeth Marks Exhibition Catalogue

Front Cover of “Teeth Marks”

catalogue of the Teeth Marks exhibition is now available via softcover print formate-bookPDF or Apple iBook. The catalogue contains a curator’s statement by Dr Melissa Grant with an essay by Professor Jonathan Reinarz.

BioArt and Bacteria Catalogue

Front cover of “BioArt and Bacteria” catalogue

Exhibition catalogue for BioArt and Bacteria at the Esther Klein Gallery in Philadelphia, January 2019.

The Romantic Disease Exhibition Catalogue

Front Cover of “The Romantic Disease”

A catalogue of the Romantic Disease exhibition is now available via hardcover and softcover print format and PDF.

Sequence Exhibition Catalogue

Front Cover of “Sequence”

A catalogue of the Sequence project is now available via hardcover and softcover print format.

Normal Flora Catalogue

Front Cover of “Normal Flora”

A catalogue of the Normal Flora project is now available via hardcover and softcover print format and PDF.

My Robot Companion Catalogue

Front Cover of “My New Robot Companion”

A catalogue of the My Robot Companion project is now available via hardcover and softcover print format.

[micro]biologies: the bacterial sublime Exhibition Catalogue for Art Laboratory Berlin by Regine Rapp, Christian de Lutz and Anna Dumitriu.

Front Cover of “[micro]biologies: the bacterial sublime”

The catalogue of [micro]biologies: the bacterial sublime Exhibition Catalogue at Art Laboratory Berlin is available hardback, paperback or e-book on  Blurb here or on

Books with Chapters by Anna Dumitriu

Art and Biotechnology: Viral Culture from CRISPR to COVID

Front cover of of Art and Biotechnology: Viral Culture for CRISPR to COVID

Chapter “Creating and Exhibiting Artworks Embedded with SARS-CoV-2 Genetic Material During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Anna Dumitriu, in the book “Art and Biotechnology: Viral Culture from CRISPR to COVID“, edited by Claire Nettleton and Louise Mackenzie, published by Bloomsbury, July 2024.

The STEAM Revolution: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Humanities and Mathematics

Front cover of “The STEAM Revolution”

Chapter “Collaborative Journeys in Art and Biology” by Anna Dumitriu in the book The STEAM Revolution: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Humanities and Mathematics, published by Springer, December 2018.

[Macro]biologies & [micro]biologies. Art and the Biological Sublime in the 21st Century

Front cover of “[Macro]biologies & [micro]biologies. Art and the Biological Sublime in the 21st Century”

[Macro]biologies & [micro]biologies. Art and the Biological Sublime in the 21st Century presents a season of exhibitions at Art Laborarory Berlin and features writing by Anna Dumitriu and essays by curators Regine Rapp and Christian De Lutz.

Front cover of “Meta-Life”

Meta-Life. Biotechnologies, Synthetic Biology, ALife and the Arts

Meta-Life. Biotechnologies, Synthetic Biology, ALife and the Arts
Features a paper entitled “Cybernetic Bacteria 2.0” by Anna Dumitriu, and is published by Leonardo/ISAST and MIT Press, with editors Annick Bureaud, Roger F Malina and Louise Whitely. This groundbreaking collection documents artists use of biotechnologies and artificial life. The editors have commission original essays by key figures across these intersecting fields and collected over 40 related articles previously published in the Leonardo journal that document the ideas and practice of artists, theoreticians and historians. Chapters include: Between Bio, Silico and Synthetic: Of Life and Arts; Artificial Life and the Arts; Bioart; Bio-Fiction, Design, Architecture; DIY Biology Biohacking.

Intimacy Across Visceral and Digital Performance

Front cover of “Intimacy Across Visceral and Digital Performance”

Intimacy Across Visceral and Digital Performance includes the chapter “Normal Flora: Intimate Revelations in Art and Science” by Anna Dumitriu, published by Palgrave McMillan, editors: Maria Chatzichristodoulou and Rachel Zerihan. An edited collection designed to address a diverse set of critical responses to and practical interrogations of the notion of being intimate in emergent and hybrid performance practices, aiming to elicit connectivity and provoke debate about the potency, nature and agency of intimacy in contemporary performance.

Crafting Our Digital Futures

Front cover of “Crafting Our Digital Futures”

Crafting Our Digital Futures was published by the V & A and featuring The Sequence Project by Anna Dumitriu.

Creative Interactions – The Mobile Music Workshop 2004 – 2008

Front cover of “Creative Interactions – The Mobile Music Workshop 2004 – 2008”

Creative Interactions – The Mobile Music Workshop 2004 – 2008
features the paper: “Biotracking” by Anna Dumitriu and Luciana Haill, published by University for Applied Arts, Vienna, editors: Nicolaj Kirisits, Frauke Behrendt, Lalya Gaye, Atau Tanaka. The book includes a collection of key papers from the groundbreaking Mobile Music Workshop series of conferences and events.

Arts, Humanities and Complex Networks e-book (Kindle Edition) 2012, paper: “Cybernetic Bacteria 2.0”, published by Leonardo/ISAST and MIT Press (March 30, 2012).

Selected Books Featuring the work of Anna Dumitriu

Eternal Life Exhibition Catalogue by the Nobel Prize Museum

Eternal Life Catalogue

Hypersymbiotics: Post Pandemic Edition” and “Zenexton” are featured in this exhibition catalogue of Life Eternal, curated by the Nobel Prize Museum at Liljevalchs. In Swedish. Buy here. Sweden, 2022.

BioArt Alchemy by Spazju Kreattiv

BioArt Alchemy Catalogue

Spazju Kreattiv in Valetta, Malta produced a catalogue for the solo exhibition of Anna Dumitriu entitled “BioArt Alchemy” which took place in Autumn 2022. Access the catalogue here:

The World is in You by Medical Museion

Cover: The World is in You

Hypersymbiotics: Post Pandemic Edition” is featured in this text about the exhibition of the same name by Medical Museion. Access the text here. Denmark 2022.

Interviews with Innovators: On Media, On Technology, On Life

Cover: Interviews with Innovators: On Media, On Technology, On Life

Anna Dumitriu was interviewed by Arthur Clay and Timothy Senior for their book “Interviews with Innovators: On Media, On Technology, On Life” published by River Publishers, in print and as a free e-book, UK, May 2021.

SIAF 2020 Index

Cover: SIAF 2020 Index

SIAF 2020 Index“, the catalogue of the Sapporo International Art Festival 2020, which took place online during the COVID-19 pandemic, features “ArchaeaBot: A Post Singularity and Post Climate Change Life-form”. Published by Sapporo International Art Festival Executive Committee / City of Sapporo. Japan, March 2021

Besmet! at the Rijksmseum Boerhaave Catalogue

Besmet! Catalogue Cover

The Plague Dress is featured multiple times (and on the back cover) in this stunning catalogue for the exhibition Besmet! (Contagious!) at the Rijksmuseum Boerhaave. Netherlands, November 2020.

Touch Me Festival Catalogue

ArchaeaBot: A Post Singularity and Post Climate Change Life-form” is featured in the exhibition catalogue for the Touch Me Festival by Kontejner. Croatia, September 2020.

#NODES: Entangling Sciences and Humanities

Front cover of “#NODES: Entangling Sciences and Humanities”

Anna Dumitriu’s work is featured in #NODES: Entangling Sciences and Humanities by  Gustavo Ariel Schwartz and Víctor Bermúdez. The book has been published by Intellect Books in the United Kingdom and is being distributed worldwide in collaboration with the University of Chicago Press. January 2020 (UK).

Growing at the ZHI Art Museum Catalogue

ArchaeaBot: A Post Singularity and Post Climate Change Life-form” is featured in the exhibition catalogue for Growing at the ZHI Art Museum. China, January 2020.

Vital Forms

Front cover of “Vital Forms”

Vital Forms by Jennifer Johun shows how the intersection of biotech, art, and architecture are transforming the world we live in As living matter becomes more and more the domain of art and architecture, the life sciences are enabling a major cultural and aesthetic transformation. Vital Forms explores how the intersection of biology, art, and architecture has transformed these disciplines, offering heretofore unimagined. It features “Make Do and Mend” by Anna Dumitriu. USA, October 2019.

Extravagant Bodies: Extravagant Love Festival Catalogue

“The Romantic Disease” project is featured in the Extravagant Bodies: Extravagant Love Festival Catalogue. Croatia, September 2019.

Entangled Realities: Living with Artificial Intelligence at HeK Basel Catalogue

ArchaeaBot: A Post Singularity and Post Climate Change Life-form” is featured in the exhibition catalogue for “Entangled Realities: Living with Artificial Intelligence” at HeK in Basel. Switzerland, May 2019

Creating ArtScience Collaboration: Bringing Value to Organizations

Front cover of “Creating ArtScience Collaboration: Bringing Value to Organizations” featuring “Pneumothorax Machine” by Anna Dumitriu

Several collaborative projects by Anna Dumitriu are explored as part of Creating ArtScience Collaboration: Bringing Value to Organizations, a new book by Claudia Schnugg, published by Palgrave Macmillan. “Pneumothorax Machine” by Anna Dumitriu features on the cover. Switzerland, February 2019.

As We May Think: Feedforward, the 6th Guangzhou Triennial Catalogue

The Plague Dress is featured in the catalogue for “As We May Think: Feedforward“, the 6th Guangzhou Triennial. China, December 2018.

Arte Transgenica. La Vita è il Medium

A new book has been published featuring artworks by Anna Dumitriu Arte Transgenica. La Vita è il Medium by Mario Savini. Italy, August 2018.

Half Life

Front cover of “Half Life”

Half Life: Machines and Organisms, Artistic Positions for a Present of Climate Change and Extinction / Machines and Organisms, Artistic Positions in Times of Climate Change and Extinction” by Käthe Wenzel and Manfred Blohm features The Hypersymbiont Salon and My Robot Companion. Germany, 2018.

Ars Electronica Error in Progress 2018

Front cover of “Error in Progress”

“ArchaeaBot” was featured in the Ars Electronica exhibition catalogue “Error: The Art of Imperfection“. Austria, 2018.

Ars Electronica CyberArts 2017

Front cover of the CyberArts 2017 catalogue

Make Do and Mend is featured in the Ars Electronica CyberArts 2017 catalogue in the STARTS Prize section. Austria, September 2017.

Bioart: Altered Realities

Front cover “Bioart: Altered Realities”

Profile in the major book Bioart: Altered Realities by William Myers published by Thames and Hudson, UK, October 2015

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias: Cultura Digital

Anna Dumitriu’s work in Coleção Poliedro Enem – Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias: Cultura Digital – Módulo 13, a Brazilian school textbook by Silvia Ferreira. Brazil, November 2016.

“Posthumanist Desire” at MOCA Taipei Catalogue

“Hypersymbiont Dress” featured in the catalogue for “Posthumanist Desire” at MOCA Taipei. Taiwan, January 2013.